Thursday, September 1, 2011

Six ways to clearer skin

1. Drink lots of water- Skip the juices and sodas. Go straight for water and you'll feel a lot healthier throughout the day. It keeps you hydrated and prevents your skin from drying out as well. 
2. Cleanse your face everyday- Everyday i mean day and night. At night you want to remove all the makeup and dirt off your face before you go to bed. Make sure you do it gently so you don't irritate the skin. In the morning you should cleanse your face as well because all the dirt from the night is now trapped in your pores. The oil from your hair goes onto your pillow which then goes on your face through the night. You want to take it all off to prevent any breakouts.
3. Moisturize- Never skip moisturizing. Its the most important step in your daily routine. After cleansing your face in the morning and night, make sure to moisturize. It helps to lock in the nutrients and keeps your face from drying out. Don't think that if your face is oily you don't have to moisturize! Its just as important because your face will get even more oily, wanting to keep that moisture. So if you have problems with your face being oily just use a lighter moisturizer and you should be fine. But its very essential not to skip this step. Also if you drink a lot of water your face will get less oily over time.
4. Natural cleansers/masks- Try to make your own cleansers, exfoliators, toners, masks. It is really healthier for your skin and less irritating than all those brand name products containing lots of harsh chemicals. From personal experience i would recommend making your own natural cleansers. Its cheaper and more efficient. If you watch videos from bubzbeauty on youtube you can find lots of homemade cleansers, toners, masks, ect. Excecially if you have very sensitive skin and lots of acne thats hard to get rid of(my case) then its best to use these. They  are very refreshing for your skin and guarantee immediate changes.
5. Eat healthy- you probably heard this one a lot. But healthy skin can only start with a healthy diet. If you eat chocolate and chips all the time and think your skin is gonna get better, don't count on it. If your determined to get clearer skin, you have to work for it. I know if i eat three main healthy meals a day with healthy snacks in between then im gonna have pretty good looking skin. However, if on the weekend i get lazy and start eating some junk food hear and there, im going to see changes in my skin. Its going to start to breakout and everyone hates when they wake up one morning and see and big pimple on their face. Its horrifying and thankfully you already know how to prevent it.
6. Exercise- This ones just a must. Exercising is not only good for you physically but mentally as well. It makes you feel good about yourself. After you exercise you know how much work you put into it and you feel accomplished. Its a great feeling and leaves you confident and happy all day. This is a big boost towards clearer skin. It creates blood flow to your brain, preventing acne and flushes out unwanted toxins. I love exercising whether its in the morning or evening. It gives me a reason to drink lots of water and energizes the body. So when your finished with your exercise you feel like you can do a lot more work. Hopefully these tips will help you guys in making wiser decisions when it comes to having clearer skin.  As long as you follow these ways you will see changes in no time. Good luck!!:D

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